Spiderwork at Goodreads with Stacey

With Spiderwork out for a little over a week now, the first couple of reviews are in, and they are … good … but — But! Two reviews from two careful and thoughtful readers both had the same reactions to Spiderwork. Stacey’s review at Goodreads...

Pete Postlethwaite, 1946-2011

He was always one of those actors you know but you don’t know their name. But when I saw  Pete Postlethwaite in Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo & Juliet, I looked him up. Oh, that guy! The father in The Name of the Father. That guy in the Sharpe’s series....

All Systems Go

Gitcher fresh hot Spiderwork! It’s up everywhere now: Kindle, Nook, Smashwords. Thanks so much to the people who’ve already purchased Spiderwork. I’ll be sending out a copy to the Sneak Peak winner as soon as I know who it is! Edit: And the winner is...

It’s Spiderwork

Spiderwork is in the Smashwords meatgrinder and the Amazon whateveritis and the Nook whateveritis. I’ll post links as soon as I have them. It always takes me longer than I think it will! Right now…I’m tired. UPDATE: There is a live link at Amazon but...