Rigelodeon – Newsletter Schmoozeletter

Alrighty then! I dipped my toe into the newsletter pool and I still have my toe. So far, so good. It was a little bit fun – enough to make me want to do it again. And better. Here’s the deal: Rigelodeon (isn’t that a great name?) will go out via...

Newsletter Schmewsletter

I just sent out a newsletter using a new provider. I’m not sure if I like it! It took me a long time to figure out all the bells and whistles, and I don’t know if it’s useful to the subscribers. Sigh. We learn as we go!

Deadly Treats goes to Pattinase

I am excited beyond belief to have a story in the Halloween anthology Deadly Treats edited by Anne Frasier (Theresa Weir) for Nodin Press. Today Pattinase hosts a guest post by moi about how I came to write my story, Slurp!, about a writer with a muse...

Cade and Galen

It’s always fun to  imagine which actors would play the characters if someone made a story into a movie. In Give Me, Domhnall Gleeson is the perfect Cade Bausiney, in my mind.     And for 10th century Prince Galen, I like Freddie Stroma.   How...