Wandering Aengus

Like the first two Tethers books, War of the Wyrd involves time travel. The story tells what happened back in 12th century Dumnos that led to the disintegration of the wyrding world. We also find out about a terrible secret Max the goblin has carried since that time....

New Release: Samskaras by Melissa Lummis

New Release: Samskaras (Book 2 in the Love and Light Series) On Amazon Now available at: Amazon Barnes and Noble Smashwords iTunes When the universe conspired to bring Loti and Wolf together, it was just getting warmed up. After surviving Modore’s assassination...

Father’s Day

One splendid sunshiny day, about an hour after noon, Irene, who was playing on a lawn in the garden, heard the distant blast of a bugle. She jumped up with a cry of joy, for she knew by that particular blast that her father was on his way to see her. This part of the...