Episode 5 – coming soon …

Utterly betrayed by the man she loves, Jane flees Thornfield and runs toward an idea: the hope of a family connection in a remote area.

Be careful what you hope for, Jane! St. John Rivers is an overpowering force: beautiful, good ~ and utterly convinced of his own righteousness.

For me, this is the section of Jane Eyre that gives meaning to everything that came before. It’s the section that makes clear why Edward Fairfax Rochester is indeed a hero ~ and not a boorish, overbearing, self-centered villain.

In Episode 5, Jane finds the independent life she’s always wanted ~ but her connection with Mr. Rochester endures  over distance and time and won’t let her go. Pursued by St. John Rivers, set truly free by a surprising turn of events, Jane must choose between society’s values and her own ~ but she may be too late.