KMHxx450I’ve noticed some searches leading here to the blog looking for Kiss Me Hello for Nook. Of course this happens right after I put the book in the Amazon Select program! gah.

I don’t like Select’s exclusivity. I would much rather have all my books available everywhere at all times.

But since I released Kiss Me Hello, I’ve had two sales at B&N. Putting it in Select was a business decision I was forced to make due to lack of sales at B&N.

I wish I knew how to sell Nook books, I really do!

Kiss Me Hello will be out of Select on June 12 and once again available at B&N, iTunes, and Kobo. As a “make-up” to the Nookies and Koboites and Itunies who have to wait, I will lower Kiss Me’s price to 99 cents on June 12 – so sign up for my new release newsletter for a reminder on the day it’s available!

Someday more people will know about L.K. Rigel books and I won’t have to use Select to get the word out. I hope it’s soon!