Stella at Ex Libris is hosting a year-long reading challenge, and the Apocalyptos are sponsoring the month of April.

This month, it’s all about Science Fiction Romance.

If you review any (not just by LK Rigel) science fiction romance this month, be sure to sign up for Stella’s challenge and post the link to your review. It’s fun, your review will get new readers, and you might win a $25 Amazon gift card. It’s all good!

Of course I’d love to see some more reviews of Space Junque, Spiderwork, and Bleeder out there. And the poor Apocalypto Omnibus has zero reviews at B&N and only four at Amazon. Two of them aren’t very nice, ha. One reader couldn’t finish because they were so lacking in imagination, ha, and another found them pornographic. (?)

Anyway! If you’ve read any science fiction romance you’d like to leave a review for, April is a good month to get that done.

Some Science Fiction Romance To Consider

(Click on the pix for their Goodreads pages)

Discovery: A Far Out Romance – you know I love this fun romance!







Grimspace – the one that starts off the Sirantha Jax series.







Once Upon a Time in Space – how can you resist this perfectly titled novel?



Heather runs the wonderful Galaxy Express website. There just happens to be a current post about SFR news!


Encrypted – if you haven’t discovered Lindsay Buroker yet, dooooo eeeeeeeet!

