I’ve tried going caffeine free, and it just doesn’t work for me. Coffee is necessary to my happiness.

I’m brutal on espresso machines. I’m too cheap to buy a really good, several-thousand dollar orgasmatron device, and yet I’ve broken/overused/abused so many of the things that I’ve spent enough to buy a commercial monster.

About a year ago, I took the Nespresso plunge. I thought, what the heck? It’s only $350. Only! ha. Little did I know I was about to get sick and not be able to work so much. That seems like a fortune to me now! But anyway, I bought a Nespresso Citiz and fell in love!  

It’s quiet, quick, clean – and the espresso is delicious.

There’s only one small problem. I broke it. First, the milk frother just stopped working. I didn’t do that! But then, I tried using a fake pod that you can refill in the pod compartment, and it didn’t work. I think it must have bent something inside.

Anyway. About three weeks ago, I got a call from Nespresso customer service asking how everything was with my machine. They must have noticed that I stopped ordering pods. I told them about the milk frother and that I thought I’d broken the brewing part of the machine.

No problem! The customer service guy said, “I’m sending you a new frother right now and a loaner machine with a return box for yours. We’ll fix it.”

And that’s what happened. Within a few days, a lovely machine just like mine showed up in a returnable UPS box and full postage. I’ve been using the loaner, and falling in love with the delicious Nespresso lattes all over again. I sound like a commercial.

I just got an email that my machine has been fixed, and they’re extending the warranty another 6 months. This cost me nothing. Not even postage.

Some companies do it right. I love my Nespresso machine.