Winner of Space Junque

The Romance Reviews gave away a copy of Space Junque, and Dawn Judd won! Dawn happens to be an author too. Reining In is about a 5,000-year-old vampire torn between protecting herself or the human family she has come to love.

Intense Whisper at Deviant Art

A lot of people know my cover designer is the fabulous Robin at Robin Ludwig Design. She’s put up a page at Deviant Art to show off some of her covers. Have fun! You can also find Robin on Twitter as @CoversByRobin

Space Junque Goes To 25-Hour Books

Tara at 25-Hour Books has given Space Junque a thoughtful and thorough review. I certainly enjoyed reading it! Don’t you love the tag line of the site? We could all use an extra hour for reading! She, like many, is intrigued by the ghosts. At first, they were...