Spiderwork Update

A few days now… It always takes longer than I think. “It’s hard, and we’re all learning,” as Durga tells one of the chalices faced with a particularly horrible dilemma — though this is not horrible for me, nor is there any dilemma....

Spiderwork is coming

Spiderwork is almost ready. These things always take longer than I think! Enjoy this excerpt, the scene where Durga meets Khai. And don’t forget that Michelle at Indie Paranormal Book Reviews is giving away a copy of Spiderwork. (scroll down) Meanwhile, you can...

Space Junque Goes To The Galaxy Express

Heather Massey has done a unique and interesting piece on Space Junque that focuses on the self-published aspect. The Galaxy Express is one of my favorite sites, and Space Junque might be the first purely indie book Heather has talked about there. She’s a...